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EU, Serbia, South Eastern Europe, European questionApstrakt
"European question" is analysed through the content and nature of institutional relations EEC/EU toward Southeastern Europe countries in period before and after collapse of Berlin wall. Before collapse of Berlin wall, relations between EEC and Southeastern European countries were featured with mistrust and mutual disclaim. After collapse of Berlin wall, EU formulated policy toward those countries, within the frame so called regional approach. Conduction of this policy allowed for Central and Southeastern European countries, with diversified help from EU, to adopt acquis communautaire relatively briefly, and to realize their own European question in 2004, while Romania and Bulgaria in 2007. After launching process of stabilization and association (SAP) in 1999, EU puts in prospective realization of European question through potential membership, for the western Balkans countries. SAP is featured with significant usage of principles conditionality and flexibility and graduated approach within which each country is judged on its own merits. The so-called 'own merits' (or 'catch up') approach allows each SAP country to move ahead towards the prospect of accession on its own pace - depending on its ability and willingness to implement the necessary political, legal, and economic reforms. Regarding relations between Serbia and EU, their institutialization is characterized by very slow pace, uncertainty and significant usage of principle of conditionality by EU side. This leaded to situation that Serbia signed Stabilisation and association Agreement no sooner than mid-2008, under very strange circumstances and with very unusual delaying request in terms of implementation. efforts to draw closer to the EU. The countries are then supposed to develop their own national action programmes to implement these tasks/priorities. It seems that this conjuncture doesn't reflect real aspect Serbia had in the past, and has today, in compliance with "European issue". According to Serbian political and legal theory, previous apprehension of "European issue" indicates that the idea of creating independent European countries alliance was supported back in 1883, as well as necessity for creation of European alliance commonwealth as an equilibrium, was written in Serbian legal history in 1939. About Pan-Europe as United States of Europe was written in the same way, not only in Belgrade but also in Zagreb, after First World War (WWI). While after Second World War (WWII) and especially from beginning of 1980's, not just individuals but NGO's and academic pro-European organizations taking very active role in development of European idea in Serbia.