Povodom usvajanja Direktive Zajednice o elektronskim potpisima


  • Jelena Vilus Evropski centar za mir i razvoj

Ključne reči:

electronic commerce, digital and electronic signatures, authentication of signatures by certification authorities, encryption of signature, the role of public and private keys, mistakes, frauds, liability of the parties, service providers and the member states


At the end of 1999 the European Parliament and Council adopted the Directive 1999/93/EC on a Community framework for electronic signatures. The member states are requested "to comply with this Directive before 19 July 2001". The Directive deals with questions of electronic signatures, establishment, work and liability of certification bodies (certification-service-providers). Before reviewing these issues, the author gave a short analyses of electronic commerce, electronic and digital signature and importance of authentication of the parties (sender and receiver) and integrity of the electronic message sent through closed (EDI) or open (Internet) system. The opportunities of intentional intrusion in the open network is greatly facilitated in Internet and therefore the question of security by encryption of signature became even more important. There are analyses of the role of certification body, conditions for their establishment and their duties in identifying the public and private keys of the sender, which has implication on the electronic (or digital) signature and integrity of the message.




