In all its strategic documents, the European Union attaches great importance to the creation of preconditions for e-government. A large number of programs that are ongoing, or will be ongoing until 2010, include the promotion of: Modinis, eTEN, IST IDABC and CIP. All these programs are in the function of management and implementation of the "E-Government Action Plan i2010 - acceleration of e-Government in Europe for the benefit of all". Reform of national legal systems and the existence of clear national strategies and action plans for e-government are certainly a necessary precondition for the realization of e-government at the level of the European Union. Some of the countries of the European Union such as Austria, Great Britain, Ireland, Finland, Italy, Norway and Denmark have made significant progress in developing e-government and improving the services they provide to citizens and the economy. In Serbia, at the end of 2006, the "Information Society Strategy" was adopted, within which the development of e-government and the adoption of the Law on e-governance were foreseen, however, despite the isolated positive examples, neither legislative regulations nor the results achieved so far in the development of e-government - administrations in Serbia are not encouraging.