domain name; registry; Internet; European Union; cybersquatting; cyber crime; EURID; ENISAAbstract
The European Union recently decided to create its domain name. European domain name will join the family of country code domain names and it will be available from November 2004. On April 2002, the Regulation 733/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the implementation of the .eu domain name was adopted. According to the Regulation, any natural person resident within the EU as well as any moral person with its registered office, central administration or principal place of business in the Union will be able to register the .eu domain name. The European Commission selected EURID as a registry for .eu domain names. EURID is a non-profit organization whose members are Belgian, Swedish and Italian registries. Associate members of EURID come from Slovenia, Czech Republic and Luxembourg. From September 2004 companies holding prior rights to a name (trademark) can register during a "sunrise period". General registration will take place two months later on a first-come-first-served basis. During the general registration any name can be used except those already taken during the "sunrise period". This is not likely to solve all the problems regarding the abuse of intellectual property rights. The regulation on the .eu domain name anticipates an implementation of the extra-judicial settlement of conflicts policy. The Union also decided to set up the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) which is expected to advise Member States and the Commission on security issues and analyze information on emergent risks in Europe. These measures will help the Union face new problems related to its domain name.