The level of harmonization of the regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the law of the European Union and the World Trade Organization


  • Vitomir Popović University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Law
  • Njegoslav Jović University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Law


BiH law, harmonization, EU law, WTO law


Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a complex state union and belongs to the so-called "sui generis" states. In Bosnia and Herzegovina today, there are 13 Constitutions and the Statute of Brčko District, which de iure is not a Constitution, but de facto it is. It is in this context that the legislative power in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, the Republic of Srpska, should be viewed. Namely, legislative power at the level of BiH is exercised through the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the Republic of Srpska legislative power is exercised by the National Assembly, in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina legislative power is exercised by the Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 10 Cantonal Assemblies, and in Brčko District by the Assembly of Brčko District, depending on how and in what manner the division of competences was carried out between the joint institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the one hand, and the entities, that is, the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the other hand.

The harmonization of the existing legislation of BiH took place and is taking place in two ways: with the aim of creating certain conditions and assumptions for enabling complete freedom of movement of persons, goods, services and capital throughout the territory of BiH, in accordance with the Constitution of BiH, on the one hand, and simultaneous harmonization of this legislation with the law of the European Union in order to create conditions for entering this market, and harmonization with the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO).


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Internet izvori

Bosna i Hercegovina i WTO,, posećena: 1. 9. 2022.

Proces pristupanja,, posećena: 20. 8. 2022.

Usklađivanje zakonodavstva,, posećena: 20. 8. 2022.




How to Cite

Popović, V., & Jović, N. (2022). The level of harmonization of the regulations of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the law of the European Union and the World Trade Organization. Revija Za Evropsko Pravo, 24(1), 39–55. Retrieved from