Encouragement of lobbying in legal form as an obstacle to corruption
lobiranje, korupcija, zakonodavstvo, kodeks ponašanja, registar lobista, transparentnostAbstract
Lobbying as an activity is often perceived by many people as a "bad phenomenon" because it is identified with bribery, corruption, and influence trading by those with the power to act in political society. Actually, all the mentioned phenomena are mostly perceived as synonyms. However, multi-faceted research shows that lobbying and corruption don't mean the same. In the last two decades, this topic has become very important in Europe, especially in the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (today, most of them are EU members), as well as in the Western Balkans. At the same time, views and interests are focused on the arrangement of this activity in legal regulation, although lobbying as an activity at the EU level has a deregulatory character. But the primary question is whether lobbying can be an effective tool in reducing corruption or its irregularity also has the potential to achieve the same, especially in the context of its legal regularity. In the paper, we will try to point out that lobbying in a recognized legal form becomes a counterweight to corruption. Its regularity in the legal procedure, through a greater degree of transparency in the channels of influence, promotes its protagonists to more significant responsibility. In addition to becoming more desirable than corruption, it also contributes to the prosperous and healthy development of society; while on the other hand, it gives space to the wider citizenry not to equate this activity with corruption. Therefore, we believe that lobbying in a legally regulated form has the power to suppress corruption.
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